суббота, 14 января 2017 г.

bytes in doctest for Python 3.5

I wrote simple script and wont to use bytes in doctest.
No reason for use unittest or other solution, wich bigger than my script.

Simple way to wrote in doctest:
>>> foo(b'\xff\xd8\xff')
But problem, we have (caught) exception:
SyntaxError: bytes can only contain ASCII literal characters.

Yes, script file use UTF-8 encoding.

But we have simple solution: we can try write data as HEX:
>>> foo(bytes.fromhex('ff d8 ff'))

In result we write:
def foo(data):
    >>> foo(bytes.fromhex('ff d8 ff'))

Tested for Python 3.5.

For Python 2 i see, but not tested solution:
def foo(data):
    >>> foo(b'\xff\xd8\xff')

No crossverion solution for 2.* and 3.* Python branches.

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